Library Policies
Patrons of the Middlesex County Public Library have the right to use Library materials and services without being disturbed or impeded by other patrons. Library patrons, volunteers, and staff have the right to a secure, comfortable, and accessible environment. Patrons who violate these rights with inappropriate behavior may be subject to disciplinary action, to include suspension of Library privileges and access to Library property. Notwithstanding any such disciplinary action, theft or vandalism of Library property and any violation of federal, state, or local ordinances on Library premises will be reported to law enforcement.
To this end, the Library Board of Directors has adopted the following rules:
- Patrons shall respect the rights of other patrons, staff, and volunteers, and will not disturb others through noisy or boisterous activities or by behaving in a manner that could reasonably be expected to disturb other persons.
- Patrons may conduct mobile phone calls with discretion so that they do not disturb others. Radios, personal computers, and other audio devices must be used with headphones.
- Sleeping, abusive language, or harassment of Library staff members or patrons are prohibited on Library property.
- Mutilation, vandalism, or destruction of the Library building, materials, or equipment are prohibited.
- Items from the Library's collections removed from the Library must be checked out using a valid library card, photo ID, or through other standard library procedures such as Interlibrary Loan. Each patron is responsible for any fines, fees, or other charges due in accordance with the Library’s fines and fees policy. Failure to pay these fines, fees, or other charges over a total of $5.00 results in the suspension of borrowing privileges.
- The Library is not responsible for personal belongings left in any Library materials or on Library property.
- No food or drink is permitted in Library computer areas.
- No person may carry or sell alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs within the Library, including restrooms.
- No person may use any tobacco or vaping products within the Library, including restrooms.
- Patrons whose bodily hygiene is disruptive to other people will be required to leave the Library building.
- Animals are prohibited except for guide, therapy, or other specific-use animals for patrons with special needs or for special Library-sponsored events that involve animals.
- Restrooms are to be used for their intended purpose. Bathing or washing clothes is prohibited.
- As a safety precaution, shoes and clothing must be worn in the Library.
- Solicitation by patrons is prohibited on Library property.
- No person may ride a skateboard or wear or use inline or roller skates on Library property.
- Parents or guardians are responsible for the safety, behavior, and well-being of children on Library property. The Library is not responsible for unattended children. A parent or guardian must accompany children under the age of 12.
- Patrons may not use Library computers and/or Internet access that interferes with the activities of the Library or its network, or is in violation of Virginia Code 18.2–374.1:1 (relating to child pornography), or Virginia Code 18.2–372, 18.2–374, or 18.2–377 (relating to obscene materials).
- Patrons may not copy, display, and/or distribute copyrighted works that infringe on the owner’s copyright, protected under law (Title 17, U.S. Code). Patrons are liable for any infringement of copyright protections they cause through the use of Library equipment.
- On behalf of its patrons as well as the entire Middlesex County community, the Library complies with public health and safety guidelines as directed by local, state, or federal agencies.
Patrons in apparent violation of the MCPL Patron Code of Conduct Policy will be asked by the staff member on duty to either comply with the policy rules or to leave the Library premises immediately and for the remainder of the day. If possible, such discussions will be held discretely.
As soon as possible, the staff member should complete a report of the incident for the Library file with copies to the Executive Director and to the President of the Library Board. The report should include a detailed description of the incident and an explanation of any action taken regarding the incident.
Patrons who appear threatening or otherwise pose a danger in any way to themselves or to others should be approached by staff with caution or if necessary, kept at a safe distance from staff and patrons. The Sheriff's Office will be contacted as soon as practical. An incident report shall afterward be completed within the same day by the senior staff member present.
Depending on the severity of the problem, the patron may be banned from the Library.
If the patron is to be banned from the Library, a letter informing the patron of the banishment will be created by the Executive Director, dated and signed, with copies for the patron, Executive Director, Board President, and for each Library branch. Receipt of a copy by the patron in person or by certified mail constitutes acknowledgment that the patron understands that banishment means that any return to the Library premises may mean arrest for trespass.
The Library provides meeting facilities for community groups at both branches.
Meetings are to be scheduled at least one week in advance. Meetings may be scheduled up to three months in advance.
Requests will be considered in the order in which they are received, with Library-sponsored activities having first priority.
Meetings to be held when the Library is closed may be scheduled with the approval of the Executive Director.
Light non-alcoholic refreshments are permitted, and a microwave, refrigerator, and sink are available for use. The group is responsible for cleaning the meeting space and kitchen area (if used) afterwards. The Library does not furnish napkins, plates, cups, utensils, or condiments.
Groups are responsible for any damage incurred to the building or its furnishings when using a meeting area. Groups or individuals are required to sign a waiver and agreement form (copy attached), accepting non-liability by the Library in the case of accident or injury and acknowledging responsibility for any damages or necessary cleaning services.
Tobacco or vaping products and flammable materials such as candles or lanterns are not permitted within the Library buildings.
There is no fee for use of the meeting areas by non-profit groups; otherwise the fee is $25.00 for each use. For-profit organizations may use the meeting areas for training, seminars, depositions, etc., where no admission is charged and no soliciting occurs.
The Library reserves the authority to decline or cancel a request or reservation of the meeting room for any reason.