Friends of Deltaville Library
In 1986, a group of concerned citizens got together to support and promote the Deltaville Library. Their main concern was that the library budget was not sufficient to meet the yearly needs of the library. In response to their concerns the Friends of Deltaville Library, Inc. was formed. Efforts were begun to solicit members, hold events to fund raise, and provide the community with programs to promote interest in the Friends and the library.
Through the years, the Friends funded some important library operating needs such as shelving, magazine racks, library furniture, carpeting, computers, printers and software. The kitchen was made complete with a refrigerator, water dispenser and coffee pot. Fire extinguishers and smoke alarms were also gifted. Programs were presented, including guest speakers covering topics concerning the county and beyond. Poetry readings, tag sales, music performances and art seminars were made possible by the Friends.
More recently the Friends have had local authors and poets present at public meetings. Our group has supported children’s programing like the Summer Reading Program and yearly Children’s Carnivals in cooperation with the Kiwanis.
On December 1, 1992, the new used bookstore opened in the library with Raynell Smith at the helm. The shop offered an extensive collection of books as well as gifts, art and local crafts. Our efforts at maintaining the used book room continue today with PreOwned Pages, and the proceeds supporting the library. Signage has been added both inside and out to guide visitors to our used books, DVDs and CDs. Our Annual Book sale delights our customers with special finds while supporting our efforts. Our Annual Spring Bake sale is our other major fund-raising effort.
More recently the Deltaville Branch has seen some major improvements. The parking lot was expanded and paved with help from the Friends. A major “refresh-refit” in 2018 brought the library new lighting, ceiling tiles and a newly painted interior. In 2022 the Friends with help from Virginia Master Naturalists replaced our front gardens with a native plant demonstration garden and in 2023 a talented local young artist enhanced our garden with a pollinator mural.
If you are interested in learning more about the history of the Friends, there are three albums located in the Used Book Room.
The 2024 Friends Board:
- Pat Anderson; President
- Debbi Ricci; Vice President
- Susan Roberts; Treasurer
- Sue Beukenkamp; Secretary
Members at Large include Judy Bumgardner, Roger Dick, Carol Dubois, Margaret Montgomery, Rex Noel, and Chuck Taylor.
We always need “FRIENDS.”
We welcome you to join us as members.
- Membership is $25.00 per year for families and $10.00 for a single member. Donations are always appreciated.
- Because we are a not-profit organization, with a 501(c)(3) tax status your contribution to the Friends qualifies as a charitable contribution and is tax deductible.
- Friends’ brochures with a membership form are available at the Deltaville Branch’s front desk.
- You can mail it to: PO Box 654, Deltaville, VA 23043, or leave it at the desk for the Friends.